Nikolina Nedialkova hosts mass Health & Safety Toolbox Talk
A Toolbox Talk is an informal group discussion that focuses on a particular Health and Safety topic. This tool can be used to keep Health and Safety forefront in the minds of employees and make them aware of current risks and hazards. It helps to foster a good Health and Safety culture in the workplace.
Conducting mass Toolbox Talks has become a regular practice for projects in which SSH is involved, and Resident Engineers are frequently hosting the latter to deliver their Health and Safety messages. Recently, SSH Senior Resident Engineer Nikolina Nedialkova addressed all her project employees during a mass Toolbox Talk in which she sent a clear message and emphasised that abidance by Health and Safety requirements is a must, without any compromise. She furthermore stressed that all should act responsibly in full awareness of their own safety as well as that of their teams as nothing is more important than all employees returning home safely from work every day.